Monday, Oct. 18:
Miroslav Kultyshev, Russia, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
Beautiful, but a little simple and flat
Daniil Trifonov, Russia, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
Exquisite and poetic! I thought his performance was the best of four finalists on this day.
Paweł Wakarecy, Poland, Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21
He was the only finalist from Poland and played Concerto No. 2. It was a very touching performance.
Evgeni Bozhanov, Bulgaria, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
It was a dynamic performance. |
Tuesday, Oct. 19:
この日は、波乱に富んだ一日だった。3 日間のファイナル中で、最も忘れられない日となった。
Nicolay Khozyainov, Russia, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
Despite that he looked youngest of all the finalists, his performance was magnificent overall. During his performance, the stage lights went on and off several times which was obviously distracting to all the performers and the audiences. I'm not quite sure what happened to the lights.
Yulianna Avdeeva, Russia, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
I wouldn't say her performance was dull, but was just fine. To be honest, it didn't leave a strong impression on me. And the stage lights failed three or four times in the middle of her performance for the second time.
インターミッションに、僕はロビーホールでたまたま側に居たポーランド人女性と会話していたのだが、彼女も同じようなことを考えていたようで。というのも、この日の Khozyainov と Avdeeva の演奏真っ只中に起こった、幾度か照明が消えるトラブル、果たして偶然にも?二人ともロシアのコンテスタント。一体何が原因だったのだろう? このようなことはショパンコンクール史上、初めてのことではなかろうか。
Ingolf Wunder, Austria, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
Wunder's performance was the greatest of all the contestants in a three-day final!
Wunder ヴンダーの演奏は、今回のファイナル・コンテスタントたちの中で一番際立っていた。ショパンというよりも、少々ベートーヴェン的なタッチではあったが、その演奏のあまりの素晴らしさに、第 3 楽章の最終パートでは既に僕はスタンディングオヴェイションの態勢になっていた。雰囲気的に、聴衆の殆どが同様の気持ちになっていたと思う。そして、演奏が終わるや否や聴衆皆が立ち上がり、割れんばかりの拍手喝采が5分程続いた。彼の演奏は、この日のコンテスタントの中で最後のステージだったが、まるでショパンコンクール自体の最後のステージのような錯覚さえ覚えた。 |
Wednesday, Oct. 20:
Lukas Geniušas, Russia/Lithuania, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
2nd movement was beautiful, but 1st and 2nd movements sounded a bit too aggressive.
Hélène Tysman, France, Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21
She was one of the two finalists who played No. 2. Overall her expression was humble, and there were a few moments that worried me throughout her performance.
François Dumont, France, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
It was beautiful performed but I was not overwhelmed. |